There is no such thing as responsible surface mining. Clean drinking water is more precious than coal. The culture of Appalachia will be devastated if the people lose their Mountains!
Coal only seems cheap it's true cost is unbearable, planetary heat load changes, acid oceans, destruction of shellfish and coral, mercury in seafood: UNBEARABLY EXPENSIVE! We must change our thinking: the cost of maintaining outdated beliefs to our children and children's children will be UNIMAGINABLE.
Govenor Beshear, I believe you to be a man of good conscience. Now we we need you to be a leader of vision and wise steward of our only true wealth - the health of our home, planet earth.
Jonathan Gilpin
Lexington KY
In Greek mythology, Gaia was the personification of Mother Earth. In response to the devastation brought forth by the irresponsible mining practice of mountaintop removal and valley fills, Chapman-Crane created this life-sized figurative sculpture depicting Mother Earth suffering from the abuses of strip mining.
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